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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Siv?ev Branislava V.” ,找到相关结果约153117条。
Plant protection products in organic grapevine growing
Sivev Branislava V.,Sivev Ivan L.,Rankovi?-Vasi? Zorica Z.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 2010, DOI: 10.2298/jas1001103s
Abstract: Pests and grapevine diseases in organic production are suppressed by preventive measures with a view to reducing the impact of the attack. Allowed substances acting on patogenous fungi, insects, mites and other harmful organisms are used, if appropriate. Insecticides of plant origin are used in the organic production of grapevine, as well as vegetable oils, powders and insecticidal soaps that are selective, with a narrow range of effects and of lower toxicity, as well as biological products. As a rule, such plant protection products require a more frequent application. Copper-based and sulphur-based fungicides are still leading products in suppressing grapevine diseases. Researches are directed to decrease the quantity of application and to find their replacement by also efficient fungicides. A special emphasis is put on researching the efficient fungicides for suppressing Botrytis bunch rot and factors causing grapevine wood diseases (Esca and Eutypa) in organic production. Along with copper and sulphur, different substances such as bicarbonates, plant extracts and oils, biological products being parasites, patogenous or diseases agent antagonists, and natural products such as milk and whey are applied in the organic production of grapevine.
Natural process and use of natural matters in organic viticulture
Sivev Branislava V.,Sivev Ivan L.,Rankovi?-Vasi? Zorica Z.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 2010, DOI: 10.2298/jas1002195s
Abstract: During recent years organic viticulture has been developing in the leading viticulture countries worldwide. The organic viticulture has been defined as the application of procedures of organic agriculture in view of increasing the production of top quality grape and wine. All the aspects of the organic viticulture such as cultivating and maintaining the soil, ground cover plants and weed control, balanced nutrition of grapevine, growing systems, disease and pest control are carried out in view of increasing the quality and health safety of wine and table varieties. When making a choice of a cultivar, there are two key factors: an economic indicator-market perspective and characteristics of a cultivar. Traditional varieties are in advantage in comparison to newly created ones, new preparations, improved computerised forecast models contribute to the efficient protection from disease and pests. New I.C./PIWI varieties must show tolerance to low winter temperatures and/or spring frosts, real commercial value through the quality of fruit, wine, juice or table grapes, tolerance to diseases and pests, balanced relationship between fruit and wood ripening. The aim of this paper is to present organic viticulture through integral agroecosystem and traditionally applied procedures in viticulture.
Phenological observation of white grape varieties in the grape growing area of Grocka
Sivev Branislava,Petrovi? Nevena
Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 2004, DOI: 10.2298/jas0401041s
Abstract: Phenological stages of white wine varieties grown in the "Radmilovac" collection vineyard were recorded during a three- year period. The included stages were: time of bud burst - shoot growth, flowering, véraison and full ripening. The number of days, sum of active and sum of effective temperatures were established for each phenological stage, 12 features in total. The features such as the length of vegetative period from bud burst to full ripening and sum of active temperatures for the same period were of crucial importance for the classification of varieties. Based on climate characteristics and phenological observations of plant organ growth and development in some cultivars, the total of 66 cultivars, of 71 investigated, can be grown at Radmilovac. Late-maturing varieties cannot be successfully grown.
Trends of meteorological elements and recommended grapevine cultivars for the vineyard zone Vr ac
Petrovi? Nevena,Sivev Branislava,To?i? Ivana
Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 2006, DOI: 10.2298/jas0601055p
Abstract: Climatic changes on the global level have consequences in changes of meteorological and climatologic conditions in vinegrowing areas. The aim of this paper was to analyze trends of the meteorological elements and determine suitability of growing grapevine cultivar in a viticulture region. Trend analysis was done, based on the data for South-Banat sub-region, an important resource for the production of grapes and wines in Pannonia plain (Vr ac: H=83m, φ=45 09 N, λ=21 19 E). Trend of significance for the 95% level of confidence for mean air temperature and sunshine duration was obtained for the May - June period. For those elements, trend was increasing as well as for the precipitation in September. Correction of cultivar list was recommended, considering the obtained trends of the meteorological elements. The grapevine cultivars that ripen earlier (table and wine cultivars) are recommended, as well as those created at the Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Viticulture. .
Clone selection of autochtones and introduced varieties in the old grapevine planted areas of south eastern and eastern Serbia and preliminary check of their health status
Sivev Branislava,Rankovi?-Vasi? Zorica,Radovanovi? Dragica
Genetika , 2011, DOI: 10.2298/gensr1103465s
Abstract: Clone and sanitary selection of the grapevine has a fundamental importance in improving the quality and the quantity of the grape production in Serbia. In order to preserve the varieties of the old vineyards, the clone and sanitary selection has begun in 2006 in the South Eastern Serbia vineyard areas, 1048 grapevine plants have been examined in three distant vineyards and 60 grapevine plants have been separated that deserved attention based on their production characteristics. The selected plants have been tested serologically, with the ELISA method, to the presence of 4 grapevine viruses: Grapevine leaf roll-associated virus 1, Grapevine leaf roll-associated virus 2 and Grapevine leaf roll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV- 1, GLRaV-2 and GLRaV-3), and grapevine fun leaf virus- GFLV. The infection level of the selected plants was between 10.5% (vineyard III) and 22.2% (vineyard II). We eliminated the infected plants among the selected ones and analyzed only the healthy ones in the 2008. Various potential variety clones have been selected for Prokupac, Pamid, Dimyat, Sauvignon blanc, Rosaki, Chasselas, Semillon, Detier de Bayreuth and Riesling. In 2008 we have repeated the same procedure we did in 2006 but in a different region - the Eastern Serbia area on the autochthonous variety of Muscat des roses noir on 400 grapevine plants 40 potential clones have been selected. The goal of this paper was check out the health status to preserve the autochthonous and introduced varieties of the eastern and south eastern region and to renew the vineyards it’s grown in. It was necessary to go on following the selected candidate - clones for other viruses based on EPPO PM 4/1-26 certification scheme in order to identify the virus-free clones to multiply, conserve and maintain in the collection growing areas.
Effect of the genotype: Environmental interaction on phenotype variation of the bunch weight in white wine varieties
Sivev Branislava,Petrovi? Nevena,Rankovi?-Vasi? Zorica,Radovanovi? Dragica
Archives of Biological Sciences , 2011, DOI: 10.2298/abs1102365s
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to establish the interaction of phenotypical variations, components of yield for the widest spread wine varieties and external factors of the Danube region in the central Serbia. The number of fruitful buds per vine for twenty-one varieties was the same, whereas the yield and the components of the yield were different. The growing season, from bud burst to full ripening of the grapevine and the sum of active temperatures for the same period, were of crucial importance. In the factor analysis, three factors have been singled out: the first factor couples the mean air temperature; the second factor delineates the values according to genotype characteristics, sugar content and acids in the must, and the third factor indicates that bunch weight had the major effect on the yield of grapes. By the application of bunch analysis, a hierarchy tree was formed to include the four groups of varieties. The most numerous group, consisting of 18 varieties, is characterized by top quality grapes (21.5% sugar content), medium yield (1.52 kg/m2) and a proportional relation of total acids (7.5 g/l) and this is achieved during the middle of the ripening period.
Application of the numerical model of landform in surface runoff prediction
Aleksi? Velimir,Sivev Branislava,Ristovski Aleksandar,Milojkovi? Boban
Facta Universitatis Series : Architecture and Civil Engineering , 2011, DOI: 10.2298/fuace1103491a
Abstract: Surface runoff has recently been observed on the topographic map. The application of modern computer techniques in geodesy and hydrotechnics has expanded the possibility of surface runoff arrangement as well as for the formation of basic lines over the vector field.
Application of microbiological fertilizers in viticulture: Grape yield and quality of wine cv. Riesling
Sivev Branislava,Jovi? S.,Rai?evi? Vera,Petrovi? A.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 2005, DOI: 10.2298/jas0501019s
Abstract: The recommended cultivars for top quality wines Riesling in the vineyards of Grocka is in full crop. It was grafted on Kober 5 BB stock and planted on the soil type cambysoil. The content of total nitrogen is 0.1-0.15%. Supply of easily available potassium varies between 12.3-15 mg/100g a.d.s.2, i.e. phosphorus 0.4-3.6 mg/100g a.d.s. in layer up to 40 cm. Microbiological fertilizer was used in the study - biological preparation prepared with mixed natural populations Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus circulons. The space in row is idle land and the space between rows was sown each year (March-April) with a mixture of field pea and barley and ploughed in the inflorescence phase of legumes. Grape yield varied between 8772-6804 kg/ha. Microbiological fertilizer with Azotobacter had the highest yield and the control treatment had the lowest yield, where only grass mixture was sown. Extremely dry climatic conditions in the trial period caused the grape yield in cv. Riesling to be extremely low. In combination of fertilizers Bacillus megaterium + Bacillus circulons wine with the most ethanol, extracts and polyphenols was obtained. The wine obtained from the control treatment had a typical taste.
Air temperature trends in the Ni -South Morava vinegrowing area and recommended grapevine cultivars
Petrovi? Nevena,To?i? Ivana,Sivev Branislava,?irovi? Nevena
Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 2006, DOI: 10.2298/jas0601061p
Abstract: Climatic changes in the last two decades on global level are presenting the fact that the planet Earth is getting warmed up. Significant temperature increasing on global level has consequences in air temperature changing on even smaller proportion. The aim of this paper is to analyze trends in air temperature, as a very important meteorological element for successful grapevine growing. Trend analysis was done based on data collected throughout the Ni -South Morava region, which was by last viticulture regional division of Serbia in 1976, separated into six sub-regions. In each sub-region, data from no less than one meteorological station were analyzed. Zone, which was named "Ni -South Morava" by the authors, includes parts of south and south-east Serbia. According to the last viticulture regional division of Serbia, 50% of area in Serbia under vineyards are situated in this Ni -South Morava region. Trend of significance on 95% level of confidence, was obtained for mean annual air temperature in all six sub-regions. Trend of mean annual air temperature during the vegetation period is significant in five vinegrowing areas. Significant trends in the whole region are increasing, which was determined by linear regression equation. Obtained equations are used to create a new list of recommended grapevine cultivars in conditions of higher mean air temperature. .
Comparative studies of some white wine cultivars in the sub-region of Belgrade and Ni
Sivev Branislava,Cvetkovi? Dragoslav,Petrovi? Nevena,Popadi? Ivana
Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 2004, DOI: 10.2298/jas0401049s
Abstract: In two wine-growing areas with different climatic characteristics 12 cultivars intended for the production of white wines were studied. The climatic characteristics include: mean annual air temperatures, mean vegetation air temperatures, heliothermal coefficient, hydrothermal coefficient and active temperatures sum from the moment of the growth of shoots to their full maturity for each studied cultivar. Elements of buds fruitfulness (6 features in total), yield, cluster mass, sugar quantity and grape quality were observed in both localities. In the vineyards of Grocka and Kutina high yielding varieties Ugni blanc and Dimyat can be grown with great success. Italian Riezling produced higher yields and better quality of unfermented grape juice in the vineyards of Grocka in comparison with the vineyards of Kutina. Pinot blanc in both localities was characterized by high yield, but the quality of unfermented grape juice was better in the vineyards of Grocka. Variety Rkaciteli produced high yield and good quality of unfermented grape juice in the experimental period in the vineyards of Kutina.

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